21 December, 2005

Hopes and Dreams

However you want to look at it, the strange thing about hopes and dreams is that they are all either true or false, there can be no in-between. These are concepts we are dealing with; intangibles that have no existence outside of our own minds, so they are very real to us, and yet separate from reality. We can be incorrect or overly optimistic about the outcome of a situation; we can hope to have a positive result from events that appear impossibly negative. Many times this is the only thing that will get us through tough experiences: the hope that it will be okay, or somehow better. Sometimes our hopes end up being disappointed and our dreams are crushed, but whether or not we are correct about the results it cannot be wrong to have these ideas in the first place. The positive effects of these self-deceptions (let us be clear that they are lies: we believe in them without actual proof of their existence) depend solely on how they make us feel and what they accomplish for us. So focus on that, don’t concern yourself with what it really means to have been wrong about whatever you thought.

06 December, 2005


We often think of everyone we meet and interact with as being very similar to ourselves. We will most readily assign motivations to others that come from us, from our own understanding of the world. When these assumptions clash with the reality of the other person, we may become distressed and angry. Acceptance is the cushion designed to lessen this blow, softening the shock of misinterpretation that we experience. One must certainly be able to understand and accept others in order to interact on a daily basis with the rest of humanity. This allows us to maintain relations in the face of disagreements. It is all too easy to jump to conclusions without really knowing who the other person is or their motivations. It is vital to let others be as they are and do as they will, and be able to expect that in return. This is a concept that is obviously important, and has actually gotten a lot of attention in regards to dealing with others, but is of vital importance within ourselves as well. We cannot do less for ourselves in this instance. For ourselves, we need to understand our own motivations and decisions and then be able to accept them, even if they run contrary to how we think of ourselves. It should not matter as much to us if we become disappointed in ourselves through errors. The best we can hope for is to understand the mistake and prevent a repetition in the future. The biggest acceptance one can make is of the Truth, no matter what that Truth is, and with all things these efforts begin within ourselves.