10 February, 2005

Unedited Rant: the message I sent to my Representatives through MoveOn.org

I've been paying attention to both sides of this argument and can only say that this is obviously just a ploy to eliminate yet another part of the security net we have in this country for people that need assistance. The true purpose of being a "united" nation is that we care for one another- especially in tough times-and this administration is intent on destroying our ability to do that, as previous ones have as well. Further, it is not just the ability to shelter our weak, weary, poor, huddled masses, but taking away the will to do so by making it into an oppositional race to see who will survive: "us, or them". We cannot claim to be a civilized, higher-order society if we fail to provide for the basic needs of those in the society. No one is perfect, and no one can do it all, or all alone; this is the basis for clinging together, the origin of culture and social interaction. We have an obligation to do these things, and that obligation is all the more imperative when we are really caring for our own welfare. All "social programs" do this, in one way or another, either directly or indirectly, and Social Security one of the few that is direct. We are paying for our "own" retirement already, we don't need to have a 'personal fund' to do it, my money pays for those who raised my fellow co-contributors, and we are raising the workers of tomorrow who will 'pay' for us. Money is not important, only people are important, the system works as it sits now. Please engage these ridiculous allegations now before people begin to believe the rhetoric, and help stop yet another mistake in the making by this administration! Thank you for your time.

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