18 June, 2006

A Generation of Serial Killers

The idea that we are all of our society-that we belong to or are part of a larger group-our "community", keeps us rooted, connected, so we cannot separate from that group. This is a good thing to keep in mind, especially when we begin to think of “others”. When we create that distance from ourselves, “they” become less important. If “they” no longer have the same impact for us, if “they” are just blocking us from our goals, then we can disregard "them"-in fact “they” cease to be human and simply become obstacles to overcome. From there, it is a short leap to "them" being wholly unimportant and without value to us, so who cares if we kill a few of "them"? For most people it takes a lot of conditioning and pressure to produce the divide between an "us/loyalty" and a "them/hatred". The reversal of that kind of thinking is also a lengthy and difficult process, one that is being fought over around the world. Whereas with a "psychopath" this is simply the way things are, that the only us is "me" and everyone else doesn't matter because there is no caring connection. The connection between us at that point is reduced to only what I need/want and what others can provide, and because no one cares to give them to me these things have to be taken . To distance/remove ourselves from our community, by not maintaining the communication needed-we stop thinking in terms of "us", and shift to thinking it's “me against them”. There is no wonder as to why this creates conflict, how violence stems from this thinking; we have deliberately contorted the situation to produce these effects. Instead we should understand that connection is important for all of us, to be connected to others, to feel as though we belong and others care about us and our needs. In return it is important to care about others' needs and wants. None of us can do it alone, we are not that way, it is essential to our psyche that we have contact and friends to care about and for us. We all need each other, without all the others there is no me. Finally, in truth, there is no "them", it is a basic misunderstanding to think of people that way. There is just "us", all of us here together, that is just the way it is, and it is for the best.

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